Jason Smith. The ABC’s of Communism
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The ABC of Communism Bolshevism 2011

Jason W. Smith, Ph.D.



To Frank Pestana

Who for Many Decades Has Held High the Banner

Of Human Progress in North America

Especially in Those Dark Moments When the Summer Soldiers Disappeared.


Table of Contents

Chapter      Title      Page

Author's Preface to the 7th edition      4

Part I The Era of Necessity

Before we begin: The Language of Historical Science      29

1      The Hardware      70

2      Sex and Speech      75

3      The First Band Stage      77

4      Living with the Enemy      à81

5      The Second Band Stage      85

6      The Third Band Stage      87

7      The Stage of Tribal Agriculture      90

8      The Simple Chiefdom Stage      98

9      The Stage of Advanced Theocratic Chiefdoms      105

10      The Stage of Slavery 108

11      The Stage of Feudalism      115

12      The Stage of Capitalism      117

Part II

Socialist Transition to the

Era of Freedom

13      The Stage of Stalinist Socialism      142

14      Bolshevism Spreads to China      236

15      The USSR: From NEP through the Five Year Plans      269

16      World War II      318

17      US Hegemony Over the Capitalist World      380

18      The Collapse of Revisionism, (c. 1990) US Hegemonyà(c. 2004) and Global Capitalism (2008)      389

19      Comparative Analysis: The Simple Chiefdom Stageàvs. the Stage of Stalinist Socialism            401

20      The Stage of Advanced Socialism      411

Part III

àNorth American Labor History

21      àFrom Puritanism to the Revolutionary War      419

22      Capitalism Unchained: 1781 - 1860      426

23      Capitalism Unfettered: 1861 - 1877      435

24      Capitalism Unleashed: 1878 - 1920      441

25      The United States in the Imperialist PhaseàOf the Capitalist Stage      461

26      See Saw: The Cold War I: 1945-1972      494

27      See Saw II: The Cold War II: 1973-1989      504

28      2008: The Collapse of Global Capitalism      520

29      Toward a Fifth International      533

Index      544

Home Page

Table of Organization and Information

Communist Foundation Party USA



Three Part theoretical introduction to (1) Marxism-Leninism, (2) the history of socialism in the past 170 years and(3) a summary history of the US working class movement. Mastering this presentation constitutes qualification for membership in the Communist Foundation Party, USA.


Fundamentals of Historical Materialism: Bolshevism 2009


You may download this book free of charge. It is 370 single spaced printed pages so you will want to have at least that many sheets of paper in your printer. If printing is difficult or impossible for you for whatever reason simply contact us and we will print it for you or send it as a print-on-demand book. No charge.


Central Committee

            Subcommittee for Political Affairs

            Subcommittee for Theoretical Matters

            Subcommittee for External Relations

            Subcommittee for Internal Security

            Subcommittee for Organizational Matters

            Subcommittee for Science

            Subcommittee for Finance

            Subcommittee for Publishing

            World Marxism Today

            Daily Worker

                        Recent Archives

                        This Week

            International Brigade

            Karl Marx University

                        Course 101: Fundamentals of Historical Materialism

                        Course 102: Fundamentals of Archaeology

                        Course 201: The Civil War in Spain

                        Course 301: The Chinese Revolution: Part I: 1921-1927

                        Course 400: Advanced Dialectical Materialism


            General Secretary for the Central Committee

            Secretary for each Subcommittee, the Press, the IB, KMU and WMT



            Political Bureau

            Theoretical Bureau

            External Relations Bureau

            Internal Security Bureau

            Organizational Bureau

            Science Bureau

            Finance Bureau

            Publishing Bureau

            Daily Worker

            International Brigade

            Karl Marx University

            World Marxism Today


The End (for now)

For our purposes it is time to wind down this discussion. In future years, I intend to elaborate different sections of this Handbook. For the moment suffice it to say that the Fundamentals of Historical Materialism have been presented to you to the best of my ability given the space constraints of a handbook.


YouÒre Tasks

Propaganda, agitation and organization are the three magic bullets if you will, of the first phase to a revolutionary working class seizure of state power. This is your task. Never forget that in the capitalist countries revolution is now on the table - it is the order of the day. We have the technological basis to make both Socialism and Communism work, or in the latter case we soon will. The General Crisis of Capitalism has created the conditions which necessitate working class action everywhere in the world. Only after revolution can working class state power allow the successful construction of Socialism and Communism. It is the task of those of us who call ourselves Bolsheviks to proceed to the leadership of the class struggle everywhere, and to take it in the directions outlined above. Namely, the new Bolshevik Party in the USA our Communist Foundation Party USA. Never forget that we are American Leninists. We know we are right. We know we are going to win and by taking command now we will be privileged to make the World know it too. Thus we return to Epilogue as Prologue where we began this book - we have come Full Circle.

Good Luck.


Table of Organization

Communist Foundation Party USA


Central Committee

            Subcommittee for Political Affairs

            Subcommittee for Theoretical Matters

            Subcommittee for External Relations

            Subcommittee for Internal Security

            Subcommittee for Organizational Matters

            Subcommittee for Science

            Subcommittee for Finance

            Subcommittee for Publishing

            Daily Worker

            International Brigade

            Karl Marx University

            World Marxism Today



            General Secretary for the Central Committee

            Secretary for each Subcommittee, the Press, the IB and KMU



            Political Bureau

            Theoretical Bureau

            External Relations Bureau

            Internal Security Bureau

            Organizational Bureau

            Science Bureau

            Finance Bureau

            Publishing Bureau

            Daily Worker

            International Brigade

            Karl Marx University

            World Marxism Today


Chart of Sociocultural Evolutionary Stages


(Read this chart from bottom to top which is to say from the oldest to the most recent category.)


Second Egalitarian Epoch   

Star Trek Stage

Communist Stage


Second Transitional Period

Advanced Socialism Stage

Stalinist Socialism Stage


Servitude Epoch

Capitalist Stage

Feudal Stage

Slave Stage


First Transitional Period

Stage of Advanced Theocratic Chiefdoms

Stage of Simple Chiefdoms


First Egalitarian Epoch

(Epoch of Primitive Communism)

Stage of Tribal Agriculture

Stage of Advanced Homo sapiens Hunting and Gathering

Stage of Homo erectus Hunting and Gathering

Stage of Home australopithecus Hunting and Gathering

Biographical Data

Jason W. Smith was graduated with a B.A. in Anthropology from California State University Los Angeles, in 1968. He received the Ph.D. from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Department of Archaeology at the University of Calgary in 1974. He authored his first textbook Foundations of Archaeology, in 1976 (Jason W. Smith, Glencoe Press, Beverly Hills, 568 pp. see The Romantic Years) and his most recent in 1999, New Perspectives in Physics

The authorÒs autobiographical books are entitled Idaho SmithÒs Search for the Foundation in eight volumes five of which have been published and are available in university libraries across the US and Canada, and from Foundation Press. For autographed copies contact IdahoSmith@hotmail.com.


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