The ABC’s of Communism. Index
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The ABC’s of Communism Bolshevism 2011

Jason W. Smith, Ph.D.


Index to Fundamentals of Historical Materialism Bolshevism 2010

(This will have to be repaginated for the 2011 edition above before we go to press)



Abraham Lincoln Battalion                            247

 (15th IB Brigade, Spain, 1937)                       252

Absolute declines

            Rate of Profit                                      121, 126, 127

            Rate of Surplus Value production      121, 127

Advanced Theocratic Chiefdoms Stage         107, 110, 114, 117, 122

Affluence                                                        85, 86, 90, 98, 100

            Original Affluent Society                  90, 98

Agricultural revolution                                    91, 93, 112

            Self-triggering                                     95

Agriculture (Russia 1917-1934)                      213-216

Agriculture (Russia 1928-1934)                      218, 223

ALBA                                                             383


Albania                                                           240


Altruism                                                          102, 136

American Federation of Labor (AFL)                        333

American Outlaws (movie)                           333

American system of manufacture                   319, 322

American Workers Congress                          332

Anarchism                                                       35, 113, 114

            Spain                                                   240

                        Anarcho-syndicalism              240, 243

            vs. Marxism                                         113, 114, 243, 253

Ancient Society (1877; Morgan)                    89

An En Cult (Iraq)                                            108

Animism                                                          89

Animitism                                                       89

Anthropology                                                  89, 98

Apocalypto (movie)                                       110

Aptheker, Bettina                                           36, 278

Aptheker, Herbert                                           36, 278

Aragon, Kingdom (Spain)                              238

Archaeology (US Southwest)                         394

Arkwright spinning machine factory              320

Asiatic Mode of Production                           112

Assassination (US current program)               385

Asteroid impact (Yucatan)                             74

Atlee, Clement (Brit PM 1945-1950)             274

Atomic bomb                                                 

            Japan                                                   272

            Korea                                                  274

            US (only 2 bombs)                              273

            Production rate                                   272-274

            Soviet bomb (1949)                            273, 274

            Nuclear umbrella                                 274


Austria                                                           120

Azcarraga Family                                            378, 379




Badajoz (Spain, Massacre 1936)                    251

Bagration, Operation                                      268

Bahamas                                                        125

Bahrain                                                          350

Baldwin-Chamberlain Plot                             249

            (See London-Berlin-Rome axis)         

Baldwin, Stanley (Brit. PM)                           229, 249

Bandidas (movie)                                           333, 339

Bands (societal form)

            First band stage                                   80                               

            Second band stage                              88

            Third band stage                                 90


Baragan Camacho                                           356

Bayo, Alberto (Cuba, Spain)                          249

Belize                                                              16, 105

Beria, Lavrenti                                                221

Berlin pressure point (1949)                            274

Best (MI6 agent, double “O”)                                    253

Bessie, Alvah                                                  254

Biological hardware                                        74

Blast furnaces                                                 194, 122

Blyukher, Vasily Konstantinovich (Galen)     168, 197, 200

Blow Out Preventor (BOP)                            356

Bolivia                                                            105

Bnito                                                               153

Bolshevism                                                      139, 141

Bond, James                                                    139

Bonnell, Dan (Botany Prof.)                           254

Borgia, Archbishop, Pope of Rome                239


Borodin, Mikhail                                             194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 239



Boss hierarchy                                                 141

Braveheart (movie)                                        110

Broad-spectrum revolution                             90, 91

Budenny, Semyon                                          168, 171, 176


Bukharin, Nicolai                                            174, 227, 232-235


            Can We Build Socialism in One

            Country in the Absence of the

            Victory of the West European

            Proletariat                                          182


            Economic Organization in Soviet

            Russia (1922)                                     183


Burgess, Guy                                                  229


Bush George (H W) I

            CIA                                                     377

            Diaz-Serrano (Partner)                        357

Bush George (W) II                                        378

Byrnes, James                                                 277



Cairncross, John                                              229

Cambodia                                                      35


            Constant capital                                  138                             

            Volume One                                        143, 187


Capitalism                                                       42, 119

            American system manufacture            319, 322

            Assembly line manufacture                 318

            Census                                                 322

            Cheating & corruption                        129, 130

            Chemical engineering (US)                 330-331

            Communist Manifesto                      134, 139, 158, 324

            Constant capital                                  337

            Cotton                                                 322

            Creating its own gravedigger              351

            Depressions                                         320, 321, 322, 332, 385

            European Revolutions 1848-1850      133, 134, 324

            Free enterprise                                     129, 130

            French Revolution                              132-133

            General crisis                                       42, 125-128, 132, 133

            Globalization                                       385

            Government guaranteed contracts      130

            High human costs                               351

            Imperialism                                         139

            Industrialization                                  318

            Innovation                                           138, 330

            Interchangeability of parts                  319

            Internationalism                                  253

            Iron and Steel (US)                             330-331

            Iron Law capitalist relations               44

            Machine tools                                      122, 310, 319

            Massive capital accumulation             325

            Mercantile                                           121

            Monopoly                                            130

            North America                                    130, 134

            Origins                                                122-24, 130

            Primitive accumulation                       317, 322

            Pure                                                     121

            “Rosy dawn”                                      125

            Stage                                                   119

            Standardization of Parts                     318

            Steamships                                          319


            Unfettered                                          325

            Unions                                                 319

            Unleashed                                           330

            US Capitalism unchained                   317

            US subprime mortgage scam              385

            Waterways                                          319


Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Co.           153

Castile, Kingdom (Spain)                               238

Castro, Fidel                                                   279

Castro, Raul                                                    279, 393, 398

Challenge (social)                                            86, 105

Chamberlain, Neville (Brit. PM)                     229, 244

Chavez, Hugo                                                 286, 393

Chayanov, A. V.                                             99

            Theory of Peasant Economy            99

Chayanov’s rule                                              96, 99

Cheka (Extraordinary Commission to

Combat Counter-revolution, Sabotage

And Speculation)                                            186, 217, 219, 231,

            Founded (Dec 20, 1917)                     232-235


Chen Tu-hsiu                                                   190, 198

Chiang Kai-shek                                             206

Chiefdom Stages                                            110


China                                                              188-212

            Agrarian Reform (1949-1958)            275

            Backburner (Prol. Rev.)                      193

            Backwardness                                     188, 189, 283

            Blast furnaces                                     188

            Blyukher, Vasily K (Galen)                197, 200, 204

            Bolshevik politburo view                    189

            Borodin, Mikhail                                 194, 195, 196, 198, 200

            Canton (Guangzhou)                          189

            Capitalism in China

                        Origins                                    118, 191

                        Capitalist factor                      191     

                        Green Gang                             191, 205-06,

            Chen, Tu-hsiu                                      190, 194, 198, 200

            Chiang, Kai-shek                                206, 274

            Chin (Kingdom)                                  118

            Chou En-lai                                         190

            Civilization (origins)                           105

            Comintern in China                             190

                        1st Cong. 1919                         190

                        2nd Cong. 1920                        190

                        3rd Cong. 1921                                    190

            Communist Party of China founding 190

            Countryside, revolution                      263

                        Reform                                    264

                        Cities                                       264

                        Collectivization                       264

                        Great Leap Forward               264

                        Great Proletarian Cultural

                        Revolution                              264

                        NEP                                        264

                        New Class                               264

                        Peoples Communes                 264

            Deutscher, Isaac                                  194

            Du Yuesheng (Big-eared Du)             190, 191

            Feudalism                                            117

            Gaia, Gai General                               201-04

            Galen, General (Blyukher)                  197, 200, 204

            Great Wall                                           118

            Green gang                                          205, 206, 274

            Imperial feudalism                              117

            Jiang Qing                                           209

            Joffe, Adolph                                      192

            Joffe-Sun Agreement                          193

            Kidwell, Jean                                      363

            KMT Party                                          191

            KMT-Soviet Agreement                     193

            Legalism                                              118

            Lenin’s Analysis                                 188, 192, 195, 198, 199, 200

            Lungshan (religion)                             108

            Machinofacture (1921)                       189

            Mao Zedong (Tse-tung)                      50, 228, 263, 280, 351 

            May 4th Movement (1919)                  190

            Molotov, Vyacheslav                          195

            National Revolutionary Army                        193, 197

            New Class                                           276

            NEP (Chinese)                                    281

            Northern expedition                            193, 203, 206, 207

            Nuclear submarines                             286

            Nuclear weapons                                 286

            Opium trafficking                               189

            Origins                                                106

            Peking (Beijing) University                190

            Peoples Communes                             275

            People’s Republic of China (1949)  273, 274, 275

            Pestana, Frank                                     363

            Philippines                                           339

            Plot point (in Soviet policy)                192

            Proletarian revolution                          192, 193

            Rakovsky, Christian                            195, 196

            Rapallo                                                191, 240

            Religion                                               108

            Soong Dynasty                                   191, 206

            Stalin responsibility for China            194, 195

            Steam engines                                     189

            Sun Yat-sen                                        192, 195, 204, 213

            Taiping Rebellion                                189, 118

            Taiwan                                                            275

            Three Reasons for examination           185

                        First period (1921-1927)         185

                        Second period (1928-1949)    185

            Three systems one country                  297

            Trotsky, Leon                                      194, 201

            Two systems one country                   297

            US-China People’s Friendship

                        Association                             363-364

            US financial crisis & debt to China    386

            US-Spanish-Cuban War road             339

            Warring States Period                         118

            Working Class Factor 1921-1927       190


Chiquita (United Fruit Co.)                            279

Chou, En-lai                                                    351

Churchill, Winston                                          230

CIA                                                                 376

Civilization (Slavery)                                      105

            Origin areas                                         105, 110

Classes                                                            110

            Class analysis                                      123

Clavell, James (China)                                    244

            Gai Jin (Japan)                                   158

            King Rat (Singapore prison)

            Shogun (Japan)

            Tai Pan (Hong Kong)


Clemenceau, Georges                                     341


CNT (Anarchist Labor Org., Spain)               240

Coal                                                                 321, 322

Cold War                                                        261, 263

Collectivization (USSR 1928-1934)               220, 223


Colombia                                                        255, 381

            Uribe clique                                         381


Colon, Cristobal (Columbus, Christopher)     124

Cold War: See Saw I: 1945-1971                   353

Cold War: See Saw II: 1972-

Comintern (See International, Third)              185, 190, 254

            Secret department                               190

Commodity                                                     97, 98, 101, 119

            Destination                                          119     

            Exchange value                                   119, 121

            Surplus Value                                      119, 121

            Value                                                   119, 121

            Form                                                    119

            Utilitarian value                                  119, 121

            Labor-power                                       120

            Paid labor-power                                 119, 121

            Unpaid labor-power                            119, 121

Commoditized labor-power                            91, 94, 101


                        Defined                                   172, 395-396

                        Modern                                   186, 100, 278, 396

                        Primitive                                  40, 95, 97, 98, 100, 186, 278, 395

                        Future                                      34, 100, 396



Communist Club (New York, 1857)              324

Communist Manifesto                                  134, 139, 158, 324, 394

Communist Party of China (founding 1921)  190

Communist Party of Iran                                354

Communist Party of Peru                               384

Communist Party of the Soviet Union (b)

            Army-Party                                         168     

            Congress of Victors 1934                  

            In power                                              52

            9th Congress (1920)                             48

            Politburo                                             162

            Trotsky’s criticism                               51

Communist Foundation Party USA               382, 390

            Program                                               388, 399-405

Company man (oilfield)                                  149

Comprador (defined)                                      384     

Congress of Victors (1815)                             226

Congress of Victors (1934)                             168, 227

Contradiction (See General Contradiction)    41, 96, 126

Coon, Carleton                                                377

Correa (President Ecuador)                            386

Cotton                                                             322

CPUSA (Communist Party, USA)                 254, 255, 280


                        California                                280

                        Oregon                                                255

                        Idaho-Washington                  255


Crick (Watson & Crick; DNA)                       38

Crimean War (1853-56)                                  135

Crises Dialectics                                              42

Cromwell, Oliver                                            123, 131, 135

Cross-cultural Comparative Analysis              40

Crusades, The                                                 124, 125

Cuba                                                               131, 279, 367

            Batista, Fulgencio                               367

            Granma                                               386

Culture                                                                        40, 41, 81

            Evolution of                                        41, 42, 100

Culture, People and Nature (Harris)            100

Czechoslovakia (1938)                                  229, 230


Daily Worker (CP NY London)                     255

Daily Workers (CFP USA)                             33

Darwin, Charles                                              36, 37

            Origin of Species                                38

Debs, Eugene                                                  335

Deep Battle (Deep Operations)                      230, 256, 352

            Khalkin-gol, Battle of                         256, 257

Definition of terms                                         33

De Gaulle, Charles                                          176

De Leon, Daniel (SLP)                                   333


Deng, Xiao-ping                                             264

            Green gang                                          262, 263

            Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)              263

            People’s Republic (1949)                  262

            Taiwan                                                            263

Deutscher, Isaac                                              195


Dialectics of contradiction in

            Cultural evolution                               41

Diaz-Serrano Jorge                                          357, 378

Dien Bien Phu                                                 280

DNA                                                               38, 81

            Mitochondrial                                     81

Du Yuesheng (Big-eared Du)                         190, 191, 263

Dzerzhinsky, Felix                                          221, 232-235, 254




Ecuador                                                         385



            Aswan High Dam                               361

            Canal Zone War 1956                         361

            Civilization (origins)                           105

            De Lessups                                          361

            Eisenhower intervenes                        361

            Elbowing the competition (Suez)       360

            Naguib, Mohammad                           360, 361

            Nasser, Gamal Abdel                          359, 360, 361, 362, 365

                        Philosophy of Revolution     359

                        Voice of the Arabs (radio)     362

            Pyramids                                             115, 116

            Sadat, Anwar                                      365

            Solar cult (religion)                             108

            War (1973)                                          364


Eight hour day                                                            332

Einstein, Albert                                               36

Electricity                                                        331, 335

Elizabeth (I, Queen, England 1588)               238

Encirclement, imperialist                                 237, 246

Engels, Frederick                                            37, 38, 114, 132

            Communist Manifesto                      134, 139

            Origin of the Family Private

            Property and the State                      114, 166



England, Britain, United Kingdom             130

            Abolition of monarchy                        124

            Anti-restoration revolution 1688        131

            Civil War                                             122

            Cromwell, Oliver                                123, 131

            Republic                                              124

            Revolution                                          123


Enigma                                                            240

Envy (jealousy, coveting)                               83, 85, 87, 95, 99

Equations (see Mathematics)

Era of Freedom                                               101

Era of Necessity                                              101


            Germany                                             246, 247

            Japan                                                   256                                                     

            Kursk                                                  260

            Orlov                                                   252

European Revolutions 1848-1850                  133, 134, 324

Exchange                                                        91

Exes (Expropriations)                                     155



Factory                                                            122

Fascism                                                           228

            Defined                                               228

            Countries                                             228-229

            German                                               352


            Horde                                                  81

Faraday, Michael                                            36

Fascism                                                           253

FCC                                                                376

Feudal stage, feudalism                                  111, 117, 118, 395

“Finger, the” (Mex. Pres. Select)                    357

Five Year Plan, First                                       183, 220, 222-227,

Five Year Plan, Second                                  226

Fleming, D. F.                                                 273

            The Cold War and its Origins          273

Fleming, Ian                                                    139, 244

Follett, Ken

            “A Place Called Freedom”

            “On the Wings of Eagles”                354

Foner, Philip S.

            History of the Labor Movement

            In the US                                            316

For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemmingway)    244

Ford Motor Company                                     218-219


            (sociocultural evolutionary equation)

            1st Band Stage                                     88

            2nd Band Stage                                                88

            3rd Band Stage                                                91

            Tribal Agriculture Stage                      94

            Simple Chiefdom Stage                      103

            Advanced Theocratic Chiefdoms       109

            Slavery                                                115

            Feudalism                                            117

            Capitalism                                           127

            Socialism                                             297

            Advanced Socialism                           297

            Communism                                        297


Forrestal, James                                               277


Foundations of Archaeology (Smith, 1976) 99

Foundations of Leninism (Stalin, 1924)



            Congress of Victors (1815)                 133                                                     

            French and Indian War                       125

            French Revolution of 1789                 132

            Napoleon Bonaparte                           133


Frunze, Mikhail                                               171, 175, 178-180, 198

Fugitive Slave Act                                          134

Fundamental Needs (Value)                           88




Gaia, Gai                                                         176

Gasoline                                                          336

Galicia Hernandez, Joaquin (La Quina)          356

Garcia, Alan (Peru traitor)                              383

Gellhorn, Martha                                             249

General Contradiction                                                41, 96, 101, 103, 115, 117, 126



General Crisis                                                  42, 87, 88, 90, 91, 94, 96, 101, 103, 104,                                                                               115, 117, 119, 126, 132, 320, 321


            Tribal Agriculture                                93, 94, 95, 96

            Feudalism                                            117, 119

            Slavery                                                42, 115

            Capitalism                                           42, 126, 320

            Simple chiefdoms                               101, 102, 103, 104

            USA Capitalism 2008                         288-293, 320-321


Geological time                                               74-76


Germany                                                        174

            Defeat of 1919 Jan Revolution           175

            Spartakusbund                                                174

            World War I ended                             174


Gibson, Mel                                                    110, 317

Gilman, Antonio                                             62, 100, 172

Goff, Irving “Irv”                                           247

Gompers, Samuel                                            333

Gorki, Maxim                                                  161

Gorski, A. V. (Chekist, London)                    252

Gotha Program, Critique of (Marx)            254

GRANMA                                                      386

Green Gang                                                     205, 206, 263


            Armas, Castillo (US coup)                  367

            Civilization (origins)                           105



Guevara, Ernesto (“Che”)                               279

Gulf Oil                                                           334, 350


Halliburton                                                      356

Hammer, Armand                                           362

            Hammer                                             362

Hammer, Julius                                               362

Hammerquist, Don                                          255

Hammerquist (Wheeler) Susan                       255

Harris, Marvin                                                 99, 100

Hegel, George                                                 162

Hemmingway, Ernest                                     259

Heterosexuality                                               78

Himmler, Heinrich                                          244

Hiroshima, A-bombing                                   261



            Original Documents                            37

            Strategic Magnitudes                          185

            Unfolding as it should                                    37

Historical materialism (origins)                      38

            General Theory                                   40



Hitler, Adolph                                                 140, 230, 243, 254

            Plot to assassinate (Brit.)                    246

            War with USSR                                  230


Hollis, Roger                                                   235, 253



            australopithecus                                  80, 82, 85, 86, 88

            erectus                                                 82, 86, 90

            sapiens                                                82, 86, 88, 90, 91


Homosexuality                                                78

Honduras                                                       105

Horthy (Admiral; Dictator, Yugo.)                 254


Hungary                                                         175


Hunting/gathering                                           91

Hydrogen bomb (Soviet)                                276



Ideology (as 1/3 of culture)                            38, 81, 88, 89, 97, 100, 102, 117

            Altruism                                              136

            Origins                                                89, 97

            Sadism-selfishness                              102, 114, 117, 136

Imperialism                                                     139, 336

            Elbowing the competition                   357

            Expelled from Russia                          342

            US enters imperialist phase                 336, 338, 339

            US Imperialism Postwar                     72, 279

            US imperialism today                         383, 384

            Financial Evolution                             265


Imperialist conspiracy against USSR              228, 229, 230, 237, 240-272,

                                                                        246, 247, 250, 256, 257, 258


Industrialization                                              318, 326

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)        335

Innovation (invention)                                    85, 138, 330


Inside Snapshots


            Minusinsk (1899): Lenin,

                                            Krupskaya           144

            Baku (1901): Stalin,

                                   Voroshilov, Kalinin      153

            Tbilisi (1907): Stalin,

                                    Caucasian Bolsheviks 159

            Petrograd (1917): Lenin, Stalin         160

            Petrograd (1917): Politburo,

                                           Dzerzhinsky         232     

            London (1922): Borodin, Rakovsky  199

            Moscow (1925): Stalin,

                                       Molotov, Sorge        185

            Moscow (1922): Stalin, Molotov        198

            Moscow (1922): Stalin, Borodin,

                        Lenin, Blyukher, Molotov      200

            Moscow River (1922): Blyukher,

                                                   Borodin        203

            Moscow (1923): Stalin, Blyukher,

                                        Borodin                   206

            Moscow (1926): Stalin, Sorge            218

            Moscow (1926): Stalin,

                                       Cheka graduates      219

            Moscow (1928): Stalin, Menzhinsky,

                                       Yagoda                    221

            Moscow (1936): Stalin, Orlov,


                                       Poskrebyshev           248

            Moscow (1937, Molotov, Stalin        

                                       Beria                         253

            Saragossa (1937): Philby, Himmler,

                                           Von Furstenberg  255

            Moscow (1938): Stalin, Molotov

                                        Beria                        262

            Moscow (1941): Stalin, Red Square   270


Intelligence (proletarian)                                 229-240

            Philby, Kim

            Borodin, Michael

            Sorge, Richard


Interchangeability of parts                              319     

Intercontinental Missiles                                 273

International Brigades (Spain)                        244, 248, 250

            Inserted                                               244

Madrid, Battle of                                244

Merriman, Robert                                244

Merriman, Marion                               244

Withdrawn                                          250

International (1st) (1864-1876)                        136, 137, 253

            Of Workingmen’s Association           125, 132, 134, 135, 325, 332

            Formed London 1864

            Dissolved Philadelphia 1876              332

International (2nd)                                            141, 185, 253

International (3rd)                                            176, 190, 254

            First Congress (1919)                          176, 185

            Second Congress (1920)                     176

Indochina                                                       351

Internal combustion engine                             331, 335


Iran (Persia)


            Committee of 60                                 366

            Follet, Ken                                          366

                        A Place Called Freedom

                        On the Wings of Eagles        366

            Iranian National Oil Company            358

            Islamic Revolution                              366

            Japanese oil relationships                    353

            Oil                                                       349

            Mossadegh (PM)                                 357, 359

            Pahlavi, Reza                                      357, 358, 366

            US subversion for oil                          357, 366


Iraq                                                                 108, 378-380

            Great Oil Robbery                              284

            Hashemite family                                362

            Iraq Petroleum Company                    362

            Kirkuk                                                 342

            Revolution of 1955                             362

            Spoils of World War I                                    341, 349

            US invasion                                         378-380

            US defeat                                            381



            Bessemer process                                330-331

            Pig (flowing)                                       122

            Wrought (decarburized)                      122, 330

            Mild steel                                            330-331

            Religion (An En Cult)                         108

            Steel                                                    331

            Siemens-Thomas process                    331

            Thomas process                                   331

            US capitalism                                      321

            US production rate                             321


Iskra (Spark)                                                  56, 145, 152-154

Israel                                                               364, 365

Israel (policy 2009)                                        353


            City-states                                           125

            Padua                                                  124



James, Jesse                                                     332

Japan                                                              255

            Attacks USSR                                                255, 256

            Defeated (WW II)                              260-61

            Feudalism                                            123

            Heroin & Opium                                 213

            Khalkin-gol, Battle of                         255

            Last Samurai, The (movie)               123

            Maquiladoras                                      213

            Meiji Revolution                                 123

            Ronin                                                  112, 116

            Shogun (novel; movie)                       123

            Supertankers (invented)                      365


Jason Smith Petroleum Corp                           376, 378

Jefferson, Thomas                                           293, 315, 316, 320

Jiang Qing                                                       206

Joffe, Adolph A                                              191, 192

Junk bonds                                                      374




Kalinin, Mikhail                                              154, 156

Kazbegi, Alexander                                        149

Keenan, George                                              277

Kerosene                                                         150

Khalgin-gol, Battle of (PR Mongolia)            255, 256,

Kissinger, Henry                                             280, 351

Kidwell, Jean                                                  363-364

Kinship                                                            86

Kirkuk                                                             342

Kirov, Sergey                                                  168

            Assassination of                                  168, 227

KMT Party (China)                                         191, 193

Knowland, William (US Sen. Calif.)              274


Korea                                                             274


Krassin, Leonid                                               55, 146, 150, 152, 153, 347, 348

Krupskaya                                                       143-45

Khrushchev, Nikita S.                                     148, 149

Kirov, Sergei                                                   227

Kitty Hawk                                                     336

Kulaks (Fist)                                                    216, 217

Kun, Bela                                                        175

Kurnatovsky, Victor                                       146, 154

Kursk, Battle of                                              260

Kuusinen, Otto                                               186, 229


Kuwait                                                           350



Labor (concrete)                                              40, 92

Labor-power                                                   40, 91, 92, 93, 115, 120, 121, 122

            Marx original contribution                  122

Labor movement 1866 USA                           331

Labor movement Bolshevism USA                336

Labor Parties (USA)                                       323

            New York Workingmen’s Party         323

Lady “X”                                                        235

Land Reform (Russia)                                                167-168

Lansky, Meyer                                                190, 191, 261, 273, 359

Largo Caballero, Francisco (Spain 1936)        241

Latin America 2009                                        380. 383


            Absolute Decline in rate of profit       42

            Capitalist relations (Iron law)             138

            Fundamental Needs (Law)                 84, 88

            History                                                45

            Sociocultural Evolution                      46

            Stage sequential laws                          46

            Value                                                   45, 120, 121, 129


Leiva Torres, Armando                                   356


Lenin (Ulyanov), Vladimir Illych                   140, 141, 143, 163-173

            Abolishing ranks                                 167

            Address to Comintern 1st Cong.        167

            April Thesis                                       165, 340

            Bolshevik Party                                   140

            Bern, Switzerland (1914-15)              146

            Can the Bolsheviks Retain

                        State Power?                          166

            Development of Capitalism

                        In Russia                                145, 337         

            European liberation                             173

            Far East Policy                                    189, 192, 193, 198, 199, 200, 256

            German Army General Staff              165

            Hiding (1917)                                     162

            Iskra (Spark)                                       146

            Jailed                                                   145

            Letter to the Workers of Europe

                        And North America              165-166

            Imperialism, the Highest Developed

                        Stage of Capitalism (1917)    337

            London                                               152

            Materialism and Empirio-criticism  337

            On the Fine Laws                              145

            Revolution October 1917                   161-173

            Sealed train                                         164

            Siberian exile                                       146

            Soviet-Polish War 1920                      176

            State and Revolution                         165

            Switzerland (1917)                             161

            Wife (Krupskaya)                               143


Libya                                                              362, 363

            Hammer, Armand                               362

            Idris, King                                           363

            Khadafi, Muammar                             362

            Mussolini’s Italian occupation            363

            Nasser’s influence                               363

            Occidental Petroleum                         363


Liebknecht, Karl                                             174

Light Brigade (Charge of)                            135-36

Limbaugh, Rush                                              140

Lincoln, Abraham                                           324

Lloyd George, David                                      341

London-Berlin-Rome Axis                             228, 230

Lopez-Portillo (Pres. Mex. 1976-1982)          357

Lowell, Francis                                               322

Lumer, Hyman                                                241

Luxemberg, Rosa                                            174, 175




Machinery,                                                      119, 121, 122

            Machine tools                                      122, 310

            Machinofacture                                   119, 121, 317

MacMillan, Harold                                          361

MacNeish, Richard S. “Scotty”                      16, 377

Madoff, Bernie                                               373

Manila galleons                                               239

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)                          263, 280, 351

Marti, Jose (Cuba)                                           244, 339

Marty, Andre                                                  248


Marx, Karl Heinrich                                        37, 38, 128, 140, 393

            Capital Volume One                         128, 134, 136, 143, 153, 393

            Capital Volume Three                      130

            Capital Volume Four                        136

            Communist Manifesto                      134, 139, 158, 324

            Critique of Gotha Program             130, 141

            Ethnological Notebooks                    89, 101, 397

            Fundamentals of Geology                397

            Funeral (1883)                                     140

            New York Daily Herald                    137, 324


Marxism (philosophy of science)                    39

Marxism (terminology)                                   33

Marxism and Archaeology (Seminar)             100

Marxism-Leninism                                          33, 244, 254

            Marxism arrives (USA)                       324

            Olympian perspective                         185

Mathematics of Sociocultural Evolution        40, 120

            Social Production                                120, 127

Madrid Hurtado, de la, Miguel                      

(Pres. Mex. 1982-1988)                                  357

McCarthy, Joe (US Sen. Wisconsin)              273, 277, 357

            Reign of Terror                                   273

            Retired                                                            277

March, Juan                                                     243, 244

Mathematics of sociocultural evolution          88, 92

May 4th Movement                                          190

MacLean, Donald                                           229

Mendel                                                            36

Menshevism                                                    141

Mental imprinting                                           146, 186,

Menzhinsky                                                     221

Mercader, Ramon                                           250




            Azcarraga family                                 376

            BANAMEX                                       371                                         

            Bush, George H. W.                           369

            Calles, Plutarco Elias (President)        344

            Cardenas, Lazaro (President)              344

            CIA                                                     376

            Cities Service                                      344

            Civilization (origins)                           105

            Communist Party                                344

            Constitution of 1917                           344

            Contreras, Luis (STPRM)                   371

            Crisis of 1982                                      356

            De la Madrid Hurtado, Miguel           370

            Diaz, Porfirio                                      343

            Diaz-Serrano Jorge                              369, 377

            Gulf                                                     344

            Imperialist oil companies                    344

            Lindbergh, Charles                             344

            Lopez Portillo, Jose (Pres.)                 369

            Madrid Hurtado, Miguel                    357

            Nationalization (3-18-1938)                344

            New Class                                           343

            Oil Axis overtures 1938                      345

            Oil industry                                         343

            Oil production                                     344

            Olmec religion                         108

            PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos)          345, 368, 370, 371

            Potrero del Llano 4                             343

            PRI (Party of the Institutional

                        Revolution)                             344

            Price, Tehran 1971                              363

            Royal Dutch Shell                               344

            Silva Herzog, Jesus                             370

            Schlumberger                                      371

            Sinclair                                                344

            Standard Oil New Jersey                    344

            Tabasco, Villahermosa                        356, 370

            Tamaulipas                                          343

            Tampico                                              343

            Third Mexican-USA War                   344

            Univision                                             375

            Villa, Pancho                                       344

            Zapata Emiliano                                  344

            Zapata Petroleum                                369

            Zenteno, Miguel                                  371


MI 6 (British Secret Service)                          246

Michener, James A.                                         247

Migration (human populations)                       82, 83, 84, 104

Milken, Michael                                              372

Mitchell, Billy                                                 236

MOCR Roach Motel

            (Monarchist Organization

             Central Russia)                                   185-87, 221

Mode of Production                                       40, 81

Modern Revisionism                                       247, 351, 253

Molotov, Vyacheslav                                      183, 195, 236

Money capital                                                 317, 318

Moon Over Parador (movie)                           381

Moore, Michael                                               73

Morgan, Lewis Henry                                     89

Morphemes                                                     79

Monthly Review                                            384

Murdoch, George

Muslim interface                                             125

Mussolini, Benito                                            140, 243, 254



Nagasaki, atomic bombing                              261

Nazi Party                                                       140

Nelson, Steve                                                  236, 247, 253, 255

New Class                                                       41, 48, 61-71, 96, 105, 111,

                                                                        148, 227, 276, 281

New Economic Policy            (NEP)                         182, 183, 281

New Model Army                                           123

New World                                                     112

NGM (Next Generation of Machinery)          44, 126, 128

Newton, Isaac                                                 36, 38

Nin, Andres                                                    241, 247, 358

Nina (Bolshevik secret press Caucuses)          156

Nixon, Richard M                                           280, 357

NL Industries                                                  356

            NL McCullough                                  356

            NL Shaffer de Mexico SA de CV      356

Nobel family (Robert, Immanuel, Ludwig,

                        Albert)                                     150-152

Northern expedition (China 1926-27)                        193, 203

Nuclear umbrella (Soviet)                               274



Oil and Gas (Petroleum)


            Arabian Dreams                                  349, 350

            ARAMCO                                          358

            Anglo-American                                 340

            Baragan Camacho                               368

            Bolshevism avoided                            347

            British Petroleum                                340, 349, 350, 357

            Bulk tanker shipping                           151

            Bush, George H. W.                           369, 377

            California Arabian Standard Oil Co.  350

            Chevron                                              375

            Cities Service                                      375

            Civil war (US)                                     328

            Chemical engineering                          336

            Clause 10 (Arabia)                              358

            Coleman Lantern                                327

            Cracking                                              336

            Cullinan, Joseph                                  334

            Dallas (TV)                                         375

            Diaz Serrano, Jose                               377, 378

            Digging for Oil                                   327

            Drake, Edwin L.                                 326

            Drexel Burnham Lambert                   374

            Drilling invented                                 326, 327

                        Cable drilling                          327, 334

                        Rotary drilling                         327, 334

            Fascism struggles for oil                     353

            FDR saves oil capitalists                     346, 347

            Flagler, Henry                                     328, 346

            East Texas Oil Strike 1932                 346

            Engineering, petroleum                       342

            Ewing, J.R. (TV)                                 375

            Foreign imports at 5%                         347

            Foreign imports at 50%                       355

            Galicia Hernandez, Joaquin                368

            Gasoline                                              336

            Geology, petroleum                            342

            Gulbenkian                                          359

            Gulf Investors Group                          375

            Gulf Oil                                               334, 350, 375

            Halliburton                                          368, 373

            Hammer, Armand                               362, 373, 375

            Holmes, Frank                                     349

            Hughes, Jr., Howard                           334

            Hunt, H. L.                                         346

            Ickes, Harold                                      347

            Imperialism Dividing the World         340

            Imperialist struggle for world oil        339

            Jason Smith Petroleum Corp               372, 376

            Joiner, Columbus “Dad”                     346

            Kerosene                                             150, 327, 328

            Kirkuk                                                 342

            Kuwait                                                            350

            Logging (well)                                    348

            Mellon family                                      334, 350

            Mesa Petroleum                                  374, 375

            Milken, Michael                                  372, 374

            Mobil Oil                                             358, 359

            National Security Council (US)          373

            NL Industries                                      368, 370, 373, 376

                        NL McCullough                      368

                        NL Shaffer                              368

            North Sea                                            366

            NRA, NIRA, oil code                                    347

            Occidental Petroleum                         363, 373

            Oil States                                            329

            OPEC                                                  365

            Permargo                                             377

            Pennsylvania                                       327

            Pennsylvania Rock Oil Co.                 326

            Philby, Harry Bridger St. John           349

            Pickens, T. Boone                               372, 374

            Red Line Agreement                          359

            Rockefeller, John D.                           328, 346, 377

            Saud, Ibn                                            349

            Schlumberger                                      348, 368, 373

            Scientific chemical engineering          329, 342

            SEC                                                     373, 376

            Seven Sisters                                       357

            Shell                                                    341

            Signal Hill, California                         362, 363

            Simmons, Harold (NL)                       370

            Smith, Jason W.                                  372

            Spindeltop                                           333

            Standard Oil                                       328, 330, 358

            Standard Oil of California                  350, 358, 359

            Standard Oil of New Jersey               358

            Standard Oil Trust                              328

            STPRM                                               368

            Supertankers                                       365

            Texaco                                                 334, 358

            Townsend, James                                326

            World Petroleum Order post-War II  358

            Yergin, Daniel                                     325

                        The Prize                                326

            Zapata Petroleum                                369, 376


Old Regime (Ancien Regime)

            Spain (239)


Olmec (religion)                                              108

Olympian perspective                                     185

OPEC                                                              351, 365, 366

Origin of the Family,

Private Property & the State (book)            81


Orlov, Alexander M (Lev Feldbin)                 229, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242, 243,

                                                                        250, 251, 252, 259

Ottoman Empire                                             349




Paine, Thomas                                                 315, 316

Paris Commune                                               333

Parnell, Dock                                                  376

Patricide, The (Alexander Kazbegi)              149

Patriot, The (movie)                                      110

Payne, Robert                                                 148


            Corruption                                           356

PDVSA                                                           355

People’s Democracies (E. Europe 1948)         273

People’s Republic of China                            274

PERMARGO (Offshore Drilling)                  356

Peron, Juan                                                      367

Peron, Eva Duarte (Evita)                               367

Perot, Ross                                                      378


Peru                                                                255

            Civilization (origins)                           105

            Garcia, Alan                                        381

            Religion (Chavin, Paracas)                  108

            Shining Path                                        384

            Smith, Jason W                                   162

            US puppets                                         381


Pestana, Frank                                                 363,364

Petroleum thread                                             351


Philby, Harry Bridger St. John                       239, 348, 349

Philby, Harold A. R. “Kim”                           229

            Cleared of espionage by MacMillan   361

            Harry Bridger St. John (father)           348, 349

            MI6                                                     240, 244

            My Silent War                                   229

            Penetrating MI6                                  252

            Spain                                                   245

            Warning Stalin 1937                           247


Philosophy of Science (Marxist)                     37, 38, 126

            Dialectical Materialism                       100, 126

            Epistemology                                      39

            Explanation                                         40

            Method: History Unfolding                37

                                    Class analysis              123

                           Original Documents             37

            Model building                                   172

            Theory (General)                                 39, 41

            Theory (Specific)                                40, 41

Philippines                                                     339

Phillips Academy                                            377

Phonemes                                                        79

Physics (New Perspectives in)                      74

Pie-cards                                                         141

Piel, Gerald                                                     377

Pipes, Richard                                                 184

            The Unknown Lenin                                    184

Plekhanov, George                                          153, 157

Pol Pot            (Cambodia)                                        35


Poland                                                            175


Portugal                                                         123, 125


POUM (Spanish quasi-Trot Party)                  247

Powder River Basin                                        372

Priests, priestesses                                           105

Prieto, Carlos                                                  236-237, 268, 371

Prieto, Evelyn                                                

Prieto, Ayari

Prieto, Deni

Primate evolution                                            75-78

Prime Directives                                              41, 42, 103

Primitive Communism                                    40, 97

Primitive Communist mentality                      97

Professional specialization                              102

Profiles in Ethnology (Service, Elman)         98

Profit                                                               106, 122, 126, 128

Progressive Labor Party (PLP) USA              53, 280, 364

Progressive Party (US 1948)                           273

Proletarian dictatorship (see Working

            Class dictatorship)                              266

Protestant ethic                                               310


            Fetishism of commodities                   137, 187

            Material relations appear as

            Social relations                                    137

            Mental imprinting                               36, 146, 187, 188, 278

            Mental templates by Epoch                147

            Psychological theory of Marxism       136



La Quina (See Galicia Hernandez, Joaquin)   368



Race                                                                82

Racism                                                                        140

Radek, Karl                                                     174

Railroads                                                         321, 325, 331

Rakovsky, Christian                                        183

Ranks (social)                                                  104, 108, 110, 114

            Red Army, Navy                                167-168, 237

Rapallo (Italy) Treaty                                      183, 191, 192, 237, 240

Red Army                                                       168-174, 200, 201,

            Commanders (3)                                 172

            Deep Operations (Deep Battle)          183, 226, 364

            Military Opposition                             171

            Strength: One million Aug 1918         175

            Strength: Three million Aug 1919      175

            Strength: 4.5 million Apr 1920           176

            Strength: 5 million Aug 1920             176, 178


Reds (movie)                                                  53, 336

Reed, John                                                      166, 336

            Ten Days that Shook the World      166, 336

Religion                                                           89, 97, 105, 108

            Olmec                                                  108

            Origins                                                108

Revisionism (modern)                                     281, 351

            Collapse                                              281

Revolution, Cuban                                          279

Ricardo,                                                          122


Rise of Anthropological Theory (The)        100

Roach Motel (MOCR)                                    187-188, 221

Robert S. Peabody Foundation                      377

Rockefellers                                                    351

Rodontslov, Maria (Orlov)                             235

Ronin                                                              112, 116

Rothschild’s Family                                        152, 156

Russian Revolution 1905                                158

Russian Revolution Feb 1917                         161

Russian Revolution Oct 1917                         163-173

            Farmers key to success                        167, 215, 216

Russian Second Proletarian Revolution

            Aug 1928                                            215

Russian Social Democratic Labor

            Party (Bolsheviks)                               141, 158

            5th (London, 1907) Congress              158



Sadism                                                                        102, 136

Sahlins, Marshall                                             90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 247

Salazar, Dr. (Portugal Dictator)                      254                                         

Saud Family (Saudi Arabia)                           239, 357, 360, 370, 377

Saudi Arabia                                                   350, 358, 360

            Aramco                                               358

            Gringo special deal                             360, 370, 377

SEC                                                                 373, 376

Schlumberger                                                  356

Science                                                            43

Scissors Crisis                                                 217

Seagrave, Sterling                                           191, 192

Second Proletarian Revolution (Aug 1928)    215

Selfishness                                                      102

Service, Elman                                                98, 247

Sexuality (evolution of human…)                  78

Shakty case                                                     221

Shamans                                                          105

Sharing                                                            85

Shining Path                                                    384

Sholokov, Mikhail A.                                      164

Simple Chiefdoms                                          101, 293

Siqueros, David Alfaro                                   249

Slave stage                                                      42, 110, 111, 112,

Smith, Adam                                                   122, 311

Smith, Graydon W.                                         376

Smith, Jason W.                                              99, 191, 372, 373, 376, 377, 378

            Foundations of Archaeology            99, 182, 377

            Idaho Smith’s Search

            For the Foundation                           293

            Volumes 1 - 5

            The Buccaneer                                  229, 279

            The Romantic Years

            Shining Path, Peruvian Revolution 286, 381

            Rivers of Blood                                  286, 381

            High Finance South American style286, 381

            New Perspectives in Physics             386


Social classes                                                   110, 115

Social dissolution                                            85

Social Organization (as 1/3 of culture)           38, 40, 81

Social ranks                                                     104, 108, 110, and 115

Socialism (Stalinist)                                        128, 140, 172

            Comparative analysis (chiefdoms)      293

            Defined                                               172

            Socialism in One Country                   181, 182

            Model                                                  172, 181

            Naiveté                                                130, 141,

            Our problems                                      277-278

            Strategic global position                     281

            Today                                                  383

            Utopian                                               173

Socialist Labor Party (USA, 1890)                 333

Socialist Party (USA, 1898)                           335

Socialist Revolutionary Party (Russia)           161, 215

            Left SR’s                                            161

            Right SR’s                                          161

Socialist Workers Party (SWP) USA              280

Socially necessary labor-time                          93, 101,115, 120

Society for American Archaeology                99

Sociobiology                                                   39

Sociocultural evolution                                   166

            (See General Contradiction and

            General Crisis)

            Egalitarianism, communist                  398                                                                 

            General patterns                                  338

            Social Justice                                       398

            Specific patterns                                 338

Sodalities                                                        86

Solar cult (Egypt)                                            108

Soong Dynasty                                               191

            Soong Sisters

            Mao’s ally


Sorge, Richard                                                            183, 185-187, 218, 237-239,

                                                                        256, 257


Soviets (Councils)                                           164

Soviet Polish War                                           176

Soviet Republic (Soviet Union 1924)             237

Sovnarkom (Highest Soviet Govt. Body)      232-235


Spain                                                              240-256

            Background                                        241-251

            Badajoz                                               251

            Best                                                     256

            British capitalist strategy                    247

            China, Spanish road to                        244

            Civil War (1936-1939)                        241

            Communist Party of Spain (PCE)       246

            Election 1931                                      245

            Election 1936                                      245

            Expelled Spanish capitalists                244

            Expelled expatriate capitalists                        244

            Franco, Francisco                                251

            Gold, Treasury (Soviet collateral)       236, 250, 259, 260

            Hemingway, Ernest                            259

            Isabel and Ferdinand                          241

            International Brigades                                    248, 250

            Kingdoms, Castile, Aragon                241, 243

            Madrid, Battle of (1936-1937)           252

            March, Juan                                         247, 251-252

            Merriman Robert                                 252

            Merriman, Marion                               252

            Moors (Spanish Ghurkas)                   252

            Nin, Andres                                        248, 258

            Orlov, Alexander                                248-250

            Sanjurjo (Gen. Spanish revolt)            251

            Service, Elman                                    258

            Siqueros, David Alfaro                       259

            Stalin’s Spanish Strategy                    241, 248

            Stevens                                                256

            Trotsky                                                246, 249

            US War (1898)                                    244, 247, 339

            Weaponry perfected                           267


Spanish-American-Cuban War                       339

Speech                                                             79

Spindeltop (Beaumont TX, 1902)                  333

Sputnik (I & II)                                               277

Stakhanov (ism)                                              128, 225


Stalin, Joseph V. “Koba” (Dec 1879-1953)    54-61, 146-150           

            (Djugashvilli, Joseph Vissarionovich)


            Borodin, Mikhail                                 197

            Civil War (Russia)                               51

            Cold War                                            353

            Congress (5th) 1907 London               159-160

            Congress of Victors (1934)                 168, 226-227

            Cheka creation                                    232-235

            Dizzy With Success                           225

            Far East strategy                                 194, 195, 197, 257

            Foundations of Leninism (1924)      173, 18_


Inside Snapshots


            Minusinsk (1899): Lenin,

                                            Krupskaya           144

            Baku (1901): Stalin,

                                   Voroshilov, Kalinin      153

            Tbilisi (1907): Stalin,

                                    Caucasian Bolsheviks 159

            Petrograd (1917): Lenin, Stalin         160

            Petrograd (1917): Politburo,

                                           Dzerzhinsky         232

            Moscow (1921): Stalin, Dzerzhinsky 185     

            Moscow (1922): Stalin, Molotov,

                                        Dzerzhinsky            188

            London (1922): Borodin, Rakovsky  199

            Moscow (1925): Stalin,

                                       Molotov, Sorge        185

            Moscow (1922): Stalin, Molotov        198

            Moscow (1922): Stalin, Borodin,

                        Lenin, Blyukher, Molotov      200

            Moscow River (1922): Blyukher,

                                                   Borodin        203

            Moscow (1923): Stalin, Blyukher,

                                        Borodin                   206

            Moscow (1926): Stalin, Sorge            218

            Moscow (1926): Stalin,

                                       Cheka graduates      219

            Moscow (1928): Stalin, Menzhinsky,

                                       Yagoda                    221

            Moscow (1935):  Stalin, Dimitrov      259

            Moscow (1935): Stalin, Beria             260

            Moscow (1935): Stalin, Beria             261

            Moscow (1936): Stalin, Orlov,


                                       Poskrebyshev           248

            Moscow (1936): Molotov, Stalin        270

            Moscow (1937): Molotov, Stalin       

                                       Beria                         253

            Saragossa (1937): Philby, Himmler,

                                           Von Furstenberg  255

            Moscow (1938): Stalin, Molotov

                                        Beria                        262

            Moscow (1939): Stalin, Beria             280

            Moscow (1941): Stalin, Red Square   270

            Moscow (1943): Stalin, Beria             283



            Jobs (Party, Government, State)         197

            Kazbegi, Alexander                            148

            Krassin, Leonid                                   55, 146, 150, 152, 153, 347, 348

            Koba                                                   55

            Lies about                                           60-61, 147      

            October Revolution, The                  50

            Oil expert                                            347

            Post World War II                              353

            Problems of Leninism                       182

            Revolution 1905                                 158

            Revolution of October 1917               161

            Schlumberger well logging                 348, 349

            Second Revolution (Aug 1928)          215

            Secret Service (proletarian)                 229-240

            Seminary                                             55

            Socialism in One Country                   181

            Soviet Polish War 1920                      176-181

            Spanish strategy                                  241, 248

            Special Relationship (Lenin)               148

            Spies                                                    129-140

            Stalin v. Trotsky I

            Stalin v. Trotsky II

            Stalin v. Trotsky III                            180

            Stalin v. Trotsky IV

            Stalin v. Trotsky V                              214

            Strike 1901 Baku, Batum oilfields     154, 156, 157

            Strike 1903

                        (All Russia general strike)       158

            Ten Years is all we have                     222

            Tiflis (Tbilisi)                                       55, 150

            Trotsky                                                177-181

            Truman                                                353

            US confrontation strategy                  262

            Youth                                                  147, 149


Stalingrad, battle of (1942-43)                       260

Standardization of Parts                                 318

Star Trek Stage                                               34, 172, 181

State, the                                                         42, 47, 106, 107, 110, 113

            Origins                                                113

            Power                                                  333

Steam engines                                                 188, 122

Stevens (MI 6, double “O”)                            247

St. Louis Council (1877)                                 332, 333

St. Louis Soviet (1877)                                   332, 333

Stone Age Economics

            (Sahlins 1974, 2004)                           90, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101

STPRM (Oilfield Workers Union

               Of the Republic of Mexico)             356

Surplus value                                                   137

Sweezy, Paul                                                   384

SWP (Socialist Workers Party, USA)             48


Syria (attacks 1973)                                        358

Sudoplatov, Pavel A (Chekist)                       252

Sun, Yat-sen                                                   190, 193, 204

Superstructure (ideology)                               81

Supertanker                                                     352

Surplus avoidance                                           80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90

Surplus social product                                     79, 84, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 103

Surplus Value                                                  40, 94, 103, 120

Swabeck, Arnie                                               53, 61


Syria                                                               361, 364




Taylor, Glen (US Sen. Idaho)                         273

Technology (as 1/3 of culture)                        38, 40, 81, 120

            Innovation                                           85


Tehran Conference                                          260

Televisa                                                           376

Terminology (definitions)                               33

Tet Offensive of 1968                                                358

Tbilisi (Tiflis)                                                   55, 150, 153

Tito (Josip Broz; Yugolsavia)                         248

Transitional stages                                           48, 110, 113

Tribal agriculture                                             91, 92, 93

Tribal hunting/gathering                                  91, 93

Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich Brom)          48, 235

            Assassination                                      250

            Behavior                                              215

            China                                                   194, 201, 202

            Fall of Trotsky                                                181-182, 397

            Fifth Congress (London 1907)           159

            Lenin                                                   158, 184

            My Life (autobiography)                    215     

            Peace with Germany                           235

            Spain                                                   241, 248

            Stalin                                                   149, 159, 176

            Trotskyism                                          47-54

            Warsaw (Polish-German Campaign)   176-181, 201, 201, 202, 397


Truman, Harry S.                                            240, 261, 274, 359


            Prendergast Gang                               273

            Please send Philby                              240

            War mongering                                   273


Tukhachevsky, Mikhail                                   168, 176-180, 201





UGT (Marxist Trade Union, Spain)                241

Ultra                                                                240

Ulyanov, Alexander                                        143

Ulyanov, Vladimir Illych (V.I. Lenin)           

1870-1924                                                                                      141


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 237     

            Atomic bomb                                      262

            Collapse                                              41

            Congress of Victors                            168

            First 5 Year Plan                                 212, 348

            Hydrogen bomb                                  264

            Industrialization                                  220

            NEP                                                    212

            Oil industry                                         343, 347, 348

            Red Army                                           169

            Schlumberger                                      348


            Second Proletarian Revolution 1928  213


Unions (trade and labor)                                 321

            Philadelphia Central Labor Council    321

            National unions                                   322


United Fruit Company (Chiquita)                  279

Univision                                                         375

Uribe (President, Colombia)                           381


United States of America


            American Federation of Labor           336

            Agricultural mechanization (1834)     326

            American system of manufacture       319

            Assembly line manufacture                 318

            Bacon, Nathaniel (1646)                     314

            Bolshevik Revolution arrives              336

            Boston                                                 315

            British Colonial Law                           311, 318

            Capital, primitive accumulation          317

            Capitalism prospers                             134

            Capitalism unchained                          317

            Cause of Current Crisis                       288

            Census & Demography                       322

            Child workers                                     322

            Civil War                                             135, 136, 150, 322, 326, 328

            Coal                                                     321, 322

            Committee of Mechanics                    315

            Committees of Correspondence         315

            Common Sense                                  316

            Communist Foundation Party USA   382

            Concord, Battle of                              315

            Constitutional Convention, New        382

            Cotton planting, industry                    318, 322

            Cromwellian tradition                         313

            Daughters of Liberty                          315

            Defeat in Indochina                            280

            Depressions (US Cap Gen Crisis)       320

1819                                                                                320

1829                                                                                320     

1837                                        321

1844                                        321

1854                                        321, 322

1857                                        321, 322

1873                                        332

            Erie Canal                                           320

            Evans, Oliver (1782)                           318

            Factories                                              318, 322

            FDR saves oil industry                       346

            Financial desperation                          287

            Fitch, John                                          320

            Flagler, Henry                                     328, 346

            Flying shuttle                                      312

            Foreign oil                                           355

            Fugitive Slave Act                              134, 135

            Fulton, Robert                                     320

            General Crisis                                      320, 321

            Georgia                                               316

            Hegemony over cap classes                354, 356

            Helotry over Europe                           357

            Historical crossroads 2009                  391

            Hudson River                                      320

            Hunt, H. L.                                         346

            Illegal manufacturing                          311, 318

            Imperialist phase                                 336, 337, 338, 383, 384

            Indentured servants                            310

            Industrialization                                  318, 326

            Industrial progress                              322

            Iraq, historical consequences for US  381

            Iron production                                   321

            Interchangeability of parts                  319

            Intracoastal Waterway                        320

            IWW                                                   335, 336

            James, Jesse                                         332

            Jefferson, Thomas                               315, 316

            Joiner, Columbus “Dad”                     346

            Kerosene                                             328

            Labor movement (1866)                     331

            Labor parties                                       323

            Labor short                                          311

            Leisler, Jacob (1689)                           214

            Machine tools                                      319

            Marxism                                              324

            Massachusetts                                     316

            Mechanics liens                                   323

            Mississippi River                                 320

            Monetary crisis (2009)                        386

            Monroe Doctrine                                 338

            Nazi gauntlet                                       274

            New Jersey                                          316

            New York                                           315, 320

            Ohio River                                          320

            Oneida                                                            320

            Paine, Thomas                                     316

            Parties, labor                                       323

            Patriot, The                                        317

            Petroleum (See Oil and Gas)             

            Philadelphia                                        320, 321

            Pittsburgh                                            320

            Post-war Hegemony 1945-1999         72, 279

            Primitive capital accumulation            322

            Proletarian origins                               314

            Protestant ethic                                   310

            Public education                                 323

            Puritanism                                           310

            Railroads                                             321

            Reds (movie)                                      336

            Revolutionary War (1775-81)             123, 132, 136

            Rockefeller, John D                            328, 351, 346

            Seamen’s Association                         315

            Secret societies                                    315

            Slater, Samuel (1790)                          318

            Slavery                                                132, 134, 313

            Socialist Party                                     335, 336

            Socialist Labor Party                           336

            Sons of Liberty                                   315, 316

            Sons of Neptune                                 315

            Spinning Jenny                                    312

            St. Louis Council (1877)                     332

            St. Louis Soviet (1877)                       332, 333

            Standardization of Parts                     318

            Steam engines                                     312

            Strike, national 1877                           332, 333

            Symington, William                            320

            Telegraph                                            321

            Trade Unions                                      320, 321, 322, 331

            Turpentine                                           328

            Unfree                                                 310

            US Attorney’s Office L.A.                 373

            US National Security Council                        373

            Wallace, Henry                                   359

            Washington, George                           315, 316, 319, 320

            Watt steam engine                              318

            Wedemeyer, Joseph                            324

            Whitney, Eli                                        318

            Wilkinson, David (1790)                    318

            Wilson, Harold                                    366

            Women workers                                  318, 322, 323

            Workingmen’s Party of the

                        United States (1876)               332, 333

            Yorktown                                            318, 319, 320


US-China People’s Friendship Association    363

US Hegemony (1945-2008)                            72, 261, 265

US, picks up Nazi gauntlet                             262


Utopian Socialists                                           323, 324



Value (Fundamental Needs)                           40, 80, 88, 93, 120, 121, 128

            Law of value                                       128

            Primitive                                              80, 81, 84

            Socially necessary labor-time              93, 101, 116, 120, 121

            Surplus value                                       92, 120, 121, 137

            Value 1 and 2                                      122


Venezuela                                                       345, 367


            Bolivar, Simon                                    345

            Castro influence                                  367

            Caudillo system                                  345

            Chavez, Hugo                                     381

            Coup of 1948                                      367

            Gomez, Juan Vicente                          345, 367

            La Rosa oilfield                                  346

            Maracaibo, Lake                                 346

            PDVSA                                               367

            Perez Alfonso, Jose Pablo                   367

            Perez Jimenez, Marco                         367

            Petroleum Law of 1922                      346

            Rape of Venezuela                              346

            Royal Dutch Shell                               346

            Standard Oil New Jersey                    345, 346

            Standing up 1948-1958                      354, 345

            PDVSA                                               355

            Rockefellers want alternative             345




            Revolution                                          280

            Tet Offensive of 1968                                    363

Villahermosa, Tabasco (Mexico)                     356

Von Furstenberg, Gloria                                 244, 245

Voroshilov, Kliment                                       154, 156, 168, 171




Wallace, Henry A. (US VP)                           273, 359

War, Civil (1917-1922)                                   169

War Communism                                            163, 182, 183, 216

War, First Imperialist  (Crimean)                    135

War, Japan 1905                                             158

War, Korean                                                    274

War, Mexican (1st)                                          134

War, Spanish-Cuban-American                      339

War, Soviet-Polish                                          176-181

Warsaw, Battle of                                           201, 202

Washington, George                                       315, 319

Watson (Watson & Crick; DNA)                   38

Webb, Sam (FBI agent)                                  148, 247

Wedemeyer, Joseph                                        324

            Die Revolution (1852)                       324

Western Front                                                 237, 257, 258

Whampoa Island                                             204

White, Leslie A.                                              38, 99, 100

Whitney, Eli                                                    318

Willey, Gordon                                               377

Wilson, Harold (Labour MP, PM)                  357, 366

Wittfogel, Karl                                                106

Women workers                                              318, 322, 323

World Ethnographic Sample                           98

World War, First (1758-63)                            125

World War I                                                    142, 147, 162-163, 349

            Rapallo Pact                                        183, 191, 192, 237, 240


World War II                                                  54

            Beginning (6-22-41)                            230, 241, 259

            Jockeying for Position                                    230, 258

            Moscow, Battle of                              259

            Opening shot (Spain 1936)                 237, 241

            Phony War                                          257

            Postwar US position                           265, 353

            Stalingrad, Battle of                           260

            Standing Up to US imperialism          353

            World War II:

            When there were Giants (movie)     54, 148


Working activity (human)                               40

Working Class dictatorship                             266

Working Men’s Party US                               333

Wrangel                                                           176, 180

Wright Brothers                                              336

Wright, Peter                                                   235

            Spycatcher                                         235



“X”, Lady                                                       235

XX (20) Committee                                        240


Yagoda (Cheka: NKVD)                                222, 251

Yalta, Conference                                           260

Yemen                                                             350

Yezhov (Cheka: NKVD)                                251

Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-12 1973)                 351

Yucatan                                                          105




Zapata, Emiliano

Zapata Petroleum (George H W Bush)           357, 369, 376

Zinoviev, Gregory                                           176, 228, 234


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